30 Dis 2011

[review] real story- iambunny ♥

Title: Real Story
Author: iambunny
Story Link: click
Review by: ilovemilkycouple

Title: 2/5
Your title didn't really capture my attention at first, if you made it catchier, or a better title, I think it would have earned you more points for 'title'.

Poster: 6/10
The poster wasn't as good as it could be. (Sorry to the designer) It was quite plain and the fact that only Myungsoo looked sad in the picture where as Na Eun looked happier didn't quite match the concept but overall it looked okay.

Description and Foreword: 4/10
WAHH your description captured my mind straight away, all I could think of was, what was going to happen?!?! But then when it came to the foreword, there was no information about the story or the characters which was what I was trying to look for. Maybe add some info there?

Writing Style: 8/10
I liked your writing style, just like others which i quite like, it was described well and written well (well you typed it but yeah), and it's easy to understand too :P

Plot: 17/20
I liked your plot, it was interesting ;D Although some parts let me down, it was still wonderful!!! I love the love line between Myungsoo and Na Eun ^^.

Flow: 9/10
Yes your story flowed along just fine, it wasn't too fast but just some bits were eh..

Grammar and Spelling: 13/15
There were barely any mistakes in your fanfic, well at least I didn't see much. It was perfectly fine to me the way it was!

Originality: 7/10
I've been on asianfanfics for almost a year now, and I've been reading a lot, which makes me see how many fanfics are alike, a lot of fanfic, just like yours also has the thing where they can from an orphanage and blah blah blah.

Ending: -/5
No ending, so no marks will be taken off, so it won't affect your score.

Overall Enjoyment: 3/5
It wasn't bad, it was enjoyable, lost some of my interest at times but it was great!! Keep up the good work ^^

Comments: WOOOO INFINITE AND APINK!! LMAO, Myungsoo's my favourite ^^ Hehe and I'm really sorry for the late review hope you forgive me :( *90 degree bow*

Total: 72/100
Thank you for requesting for me :D Please don't be discouraged! This is a good score ^^ Hope to see you soon at apink request shop :)

Do credit the reviewer and the shop. Link the review on your foreword or make it as one of your chapters!

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