1 Dis 2011

[review] Pleasing Master L- Jindeul ♥

Title: Pleasing master L
Author: Jindeul
Story link: click
Review by: Tonichua
Title (5/5)
This reviewer has nothing to complain. Just by merely reading your title, I already have a hunch what the story would be about. But even if that's the case, it still didn't reveal much so whoever saw it will surely get hooked just to see what will happen next.  It’s eye-catching enough to make me want to click and read it amidst the thousand stories present here. Uniqueness is one important factor and your title has it. Nice!

Appearance (10/10)
This part would be spelled as W-O-W. Yes. This is what I call “effort to the highest extent”. The banner was superb!  It somehow excludes a dark feeling that I instantly fell in love with it (I'm a fan of stories with angst). The main protagonists and antagonist were there. I like that. The trailer was done beautifully. It conveys the emotions your story wanted to portray. I like the background as it is. Even though it was plain, it represents how beautiful and classy your story was written. Moreover, your foreword didn’t seem too crowded. Every chapter has a banner to stimulate the readers’ interest in reading your updates. Really, I’m impressed.

Foreword/Description (7/10)
Uhmm.. Your foreword was straight to the point. The moment I read it, I already knew the story plot. Which was good. Some readers (like me) wanted to know immediately what they're reading. There were few grammatical errors like “They lived three years living like dogs...” It should be “They had lived for three years, living like dogs..." or "They lived for three years like dogs..." Also this one:  "....beaten for days on end” It would've been correct to use: "...beaten for days in the end” But other than that, everything's perfect!

Originality/Plot (14/15)
I’ve read other story with this kind of plot but I can still tell this is one hundred percent original. The sequence of events was different and unexpected.

Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation Marks (18/20)
Phew! Honestly, this is the hardest part regarding this whole review. You have an almost, if not perfect, grammar. The punctuation marks were used correctly. There were very few spelling errors but I bet they were just typographical errors. I have to re-read all the chapters just to find some. Is English your native language? Maybe it is. I have nothing else to say. Two thumbs up! *clap*
Here’s some correction that I saw:
error: They didn't know what morning or evening was anymore, but thanks to the hatch marks Woohyun managed to etch onto the floorboards everyday, he knew they had been stuck here for quite a while.
correction: They didn't know what morning or evening was anymore, but thanks to the hatch marks Woohyun managed to etch onto the floorboards every day, he knew they had been stuck here for quite a while.
error: Interruping Myungsoo was like asking to be killed. 
correction: Interrupting Myungsoo was like asking to be killed.
error: There are small hatchmarks engraved on the concrete just like the ones he made on the opposite end of the basement, except the ones that had been hidden behind the dresser are lesser in number than his.
correction: There are small hatch marks engraved on the concrete just like the ones he made on the opposite end of the basement, except the ones that had been hidden behind the dresser are lesser in number than his.
error: And even then, there was only one tub-ful of water, so the two bathed together.
correction: And even then, there was only one tub-full of water, so the two bathed together
error: Woohyun tries his hardest to contain his excitement, and in an effort to show his gratitude without seemingtoo under Myungsoo's control, he nods.
correction: Woohyun tries his hardest to contain his excitement, and in an effort to show his gratitude without seeming too under Myungsoo's control, he nods.
error: He laughs, tugging Sunggyu's elbow down so he could lay beside him.
correction: He laughs, tugging Sunggyu's elbow down so he could lie beside him
error: Woohyun stares at the limb that he bit into the last time he saw Myungsoo, his stomach clenching and doing backflips
correction: Woohyun stares at the limb that he bit into the last time he saw Myungsoo, his stomach clenching and doing back flips.

error: Woohyun whispers, a hand clasped over his own mouth
correction: Woohyun whispers, a hand clasped over his mouth.
error: Those two could beescaping from me, and you expect me to let them go?
correction: Those two could be escaping from me, and you expect me to let them go?
error: "I'm going to look for him," he mutters, stopping as Sunggyu flails his hands willdy in the air to grab a hold of his wrist.
correction: "I'm going to look for him," he mutters, stopping as Sunggyu flails his hands wildly in the air to grab a hold of his wrist.

Flow (15/15)
The flow of the story was good. It’s neither too fast nor slow. Added to that, your style of writing was great that I can really imagine what was happening. Every scene was well described. Every setting and action you used were written so good that I felt like I’m watching it rather than reading.

Overall Enjoyment (10/15)
Technicality wise, I enjoyed your story. I even think I more than enjoyed it. I’m impressed with the whole thing that I read it all at once. All aspect a beautiful story could have is present here, from the characters’ description down to the story plot. But the thing was I’m not really a fan of yaio fan fictions. So, yeah.  Sorry about that. However, the story alone was enough for me to enjoy it. Great story indeed.

Ending (10/10)
Your story doesn’t have an ending yet but the way the story flows, I can already tell the ending would be great so I gave you  10 mark on this area. ^^

Total: 89/100

Reviewer’s note: This story had me down to the latest chapter. I really envy your style of writing. I hope to see more from you. Thank you for requesting at APink Request Shop! ♥ and for choosing me as your story's reviewer. :D Don't forget to give credits, neh?
Owner's note: Hello! Hope you like your review! Do credit the reviewer and the shop. You can post the review as one of your chapters or just link it on foreword ^^ Here's for you:

1 ulasan:

  1. error: He laughs, tugging Sunggyu's elbow down so he could lay beside him.
    correction: He laughs, tugging Sunggyu's elbow down so he could lie beside him

    lie means not tell the truth, meanwhile lay means put (your body, or egg for hen) down
