Title: Let Me Cry
Author: xRiChan
Reviewed by ilovemilkycouple
Title: 5/5
Honestly I haven't seen any titles like this which I quite like :) It wasn't too plain or too boring, 'Let Me Cry' it sounds nice, like it would get the reader wondering what it's about.
Poster: 8/10
Most of them looked interesting, aside from the plain colours, although it's the genre.. but anyway they're good :) It's good that you have a different poster for each of the chapters.
Description and Foreword: 8/10
Your description and foreword really captivated me :D It was really good, different to others that i've read ;D Keep up the good work! Hehehe~
Writing Style: 9/10
I like the way you write it :) It's 'your' thoughts which makes it a lot easier although a lot of people do it.. :L But I advise you to make the font size just at least 1 size bigger on some of them because some are too small..
Plot: 17/20
I love your plot <3 It matches with the title of the fanfic. Your plot just captivates me! It's a really interesting one too!!!!
Flow: 10/10
I think your story's flowing along just fine :) It doesn't seemed rushed at all, and it seems as though it's real O.O Which is a good thing xD Lol!
Grammar and Spelling: 15/15
Unless I'm blind.. or i didn't read over it properly I haven't seen a spelling/grammar mistake, I might of just passed by it, but it's not noticed.
Originality: 9/10
Some stories have sort of the same ideas, but I guess they aren't really similar, I can tell you wouldn't have copied this from anyone else, your ORIGINAL! Man I sound really lame right now :( haha.
Ending: -/5
There was no ending so no mark taken for that and it won't affect your score :)
Overall Enjoyment: 4/5
The story was great~ It was really interesting ^^ If you add more tags you'll definitely get more subs :) And I think you deserve more subbiessss
Total: 90/100
ZOMGGGG!!! First to get 90 for all the reviews I've done~! congrats xRiChan :D And thank you for requesting from ilovemilkycouple. I'm really sorry for the late review, *bows 90 degrees* I hope you can forgive me >.< and I hope you have a good holiday ;D Enjoy the rest of 2011!!!
Hello, do credit the reviewer and the shop. please you can link this review on your foreword or post it as one of your chapters! (: Your story is in the APink Recommended stories! ^^
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