8 Dis 2011

Believe in me for Snowyuki7901 ♥

Title: Believe in me
Characters: Jisun o/c and Dongho ukiss
Written by: Hyokey29

"What's for lunch, Dongho-ah?" Jisun asked the brunette across chair, she opened her bento box. 
"Same." Dongho responded, they slowly sniffed the delicious smell of their lunch boxes.
Until, a girl, the queenka passed by. "Nice lunch boxes, Dorks." Suzy said, her friends beside her started laughing or more like a fake laugh. The two stayed quiet while the queenka left their sight.
"So, the valentine’s day is coming up." Jisun said, between her chewing. Dongho laughed at how cute she was when she was talking while eating.
"Don't talk when your mouth is full, Jisun." Dongho chuckled.
After they ate, it was the exact time the bell rang for the next period.
Annyeong, My name is Kim Jisun and I have feelings for Mr. Shin Dongho. I don't know why but for a long time we've been together, being best friends forever, I started thinking about having a crush for him.
"Hey, what's up?" Kiseop said, Jisun was staring blankly on the floor while waiting for Dongho at the gate. She looked up and smiled, "Hey, Kiseop-sshi." She greeted back.
"Who are you waiting for?" He asked, sitting beside her. Jisun movesd slowly to give a free more space for him to sit, "Dongho, usual." She chuckled. 
"Him? Ooh, you don't wanna wait for him." Kiseop laughed Jisun looked up to him, with a worried look sticked on her face.
"Waeyo, Kiseop?" She asked, "Nothing, I'm just kidding." He laughed again.
"JISUN-AH!!!" Until they heard a loud shout, they turned around and found Dongho running towards them. They stood up, "Sorry if I came late." Dongho apologized to Jisun.
"Hey, Kiseop." Dongho guy-hugged Kiseop, "Hey man!" They chuckled.
"So, where you guys heading?" Kiseop asked, 'Gosh! If only...' Jisun thought.
"I don't know to Jisun." Dongho pouted, "We're going home, of course." Jisun smiled.
"Come on, let’s hang out." Kiseop nudged Dongho, "Sorry, Jisun is not going anywhere but home." Dongho said, wrapping his arm around Jisun's shoulder.
'My heart, it's beating so fast.'
"Kaja." Dongho said.
Gosh! It's so hard to find the perfect outfit for this day. Wait! What so special today anyway? It's only Valentines.
She grabbed the red dress on closet and wore it. She looked at herself on the mirror and started examining herself from head to toe, "I look great." She said.
Until she heard her phone ring, she answered it right away.
"Yobosaeyo?" She answered.
"Jisun-ah! Let's meet at the park. Ppalli-ah!!" Dongho said before hanging up.
'That's it? Not even a greetings of Happy Valentines Lee Jisun'
"Nevermind." She grabbed all of her things and started walking to the park, where they will meet.
Until, when, she got there. The only thing she saw was a girl kissing Dongho, she felt her whole body numbed, she can't move her feet to run, she can't even speak and she don't knew what to do.
Dongho was kissing another girl was very painful to Jisun's sight. 'Why?'
The girl turned around and she found out it was Suzy, the school queenka. She saw Jisun looking at them and smirked at her.
Jisun's tears started to fall down to her cheeks, Dongho turned around and saw a Jisun crying. He pushed Suzy hard and ran towards Jisun to explain.
"Jisun, It's not what you think it is." He explained, but Jisun didn't listen. How could she listen if she is already hurt? It's too much pain he had given to her.
It's special day for Dongho today because its day he was going to tell her about his feelings but NO the Suzy girl ruined everything.
Jisun walked away with full of tears on her cheeks, falling. Dongho tried to catch up to her but every time he was going to hold on her should she just shrugged it away. It was totally heart broke for both of them. 
"Just let me explain, just a small and short explanation." Dongho said to himself.
He was left in the park, with no one’s around him. Now, I am full of guilt.
"Hey Dongho-ah!" Dongho turned around to see if who was it, he saw him, it was Eli.
“Annyeong, Eli Hyung.” Dongho greeted with a slightly low tone, “What’s wrong Dongsaeng?” Eli asked, worriedly.
It’s the first time he saw Dongho this sad, his head was fully down.
“Jisun, she’s mad at me.” Dongho said, ‘bout to cry already. “Tell me, what happened?” Eli asked.
And there, all of what happened, Dongho explained it.
Eli understands the whole situation though. But the thing that confused him that is why Jisun cried seeing Dongho kissing another girl if she was only best friend with Dongho.
“Does she have feelings for you, Dongho-ah?” His hyung asked him, Dongho was shocked with the question and confused at the same time.
He doesn’t knew either but he knew Jisun loves him. As what? Lovers? Or Best friends?
“I don’t know, Hyung.” He answered.
“Well, let me help you with that problem.” Eli smiled.
Dongho was really happy because he has friends like him, friends that can help him with girl problems.
“I’ll help you tell her that the scene she saw was all WRONG.” Eli said, putting a heavy voice on the word WRONG since it was true anyway.
“Thanks Hyung." Dongho said before leaving his sight.
He left his side and turned to find Jisun to apologize. He wasn't sure if Jisun would accept it since it's about them they're talking about.
Dongho found her on the bench reading books; he exhaled heavily before walking towards her.
"Jisun-ah." He called out, Jisun ignored it, and she knew who it was. The smell, she recognized it and definitely the voice was the most recognizable.
"Jisun-ah." Once again, Dongho tried. But, Jisun just keep ignore every call he does.
After five minutes of calling her name, Jisun stood up and faced him. "I don't know what you want, but, people are really busy these days. You should find other person to irritate not me!" Jisun coldly said, making Dongho's heart pound so much because of pain.
Every word she said was so pain herself. At the first place, she doesn't want to mention those harsh words to her ex-best friend. It's the problem; she can't talk to him after what she saw. She felt, like, she was cheated.
Jisun walked away giving him glares.
"Dongho, what happened?" Eli saw him looking down the ground; kicking stones.
"She completely ignored me and more badly, she releases words that I can't take." Dongho said without looking up to his hyung.
"Wait here." Eli said before leaving.
Dongho looked up, seeing his Hyung walking towards Jisun.
"Jisun-ah!" Eli called out; Jisun looked up, seeing Eli running towards her.
She turns her frown upside down, "Hey Oppa." She greeted, giving him fake smiles.
"Look, Jisun, Listen. About what you see-" Eli didn't even finished his sentences.
"If this conversation is about that 'THING', forget it." Jisun said the last words before leaving his sight. Eli stopped her.
"Come on, Jisun can you just please, please, listen to me!" Eli begged for mercy.
Jisun turned around, "Araso! I'll give you one minute. Starting...." She looks down to her wrist watch, "Now!" She shouted.
Eli started explaining everything, every single thing. After a minute, Jisun now understand the whole situation she was in.
"Is that it?" Jisun said. She was worried herself. It was not even Dongho's fault, she felt guilty for being so cold to him. The whole KISS thing wasn't his fault; it was the bitchy Suzy's fault.
Dongho was sitting on a bench; waiting patiently for Jisun.
He was holding a flower and a chocolate on his both hands, until, someone took it off.
He looked up and only found Suzy, laughing.
"Hey, give that back." Dongho shouted, trying to reach Suzy's hand up high.
"Are you going to confess to her now?" Suzy smirked, raising her hands more high.
"Like, I’m not clever!" Dongho shouted, he stepped on the bench and jumped from there to reach Suzy's hand and got everything he owned from her hand.
"Smart." Suzy chuckled.
"What do you want?" Dongho asked, rubbing his suit for today. He fixed every detail of the suit to make it more clear.
Suzy looked around and saw Jisun's head walking their way, she quickly pulled Dongho for a kiss.
"HHMM!!" Dongho tried to fight it but Suzy was so strong to make him pulled away. Her eyes met Jisun's eyes whose very shocked right now.
She left her a smirk before Jisun left, crying.
She pulled away, "See you later, cowboy." She smirked, waving bye to him.
"WHAT THE HECK!?!!" Dongho shouted at her, realizing that he saw Jisun walking away.
'SHE SAW EVERYTHING!' Dongho shouted at his thoughts before running to catch her.
"I'm sorry, Dongho-ah!" Jisun apologized as she hugged him, Dongho patted her back.
"Sorry for what you saw, Jisun." Dongho said.
“Tell me what you want to do that Park that day.” Jisun said, releasing from embrace.
“I wanted to tell you that-“He let out a small sighed “I like you Jisun, not for best friends anymore.” Dongho said that made Jisun’s heart pound fast.
“I like you too, Dongho.” She, then, again hugged Dongho but now it was more like a LOVERS hug.

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