5 Nov 2011

[review] my boyfriend or my butler? by wonjana ♥

Title: My boyfriend or my butler?
Author: Wonjana
Story link: click
Review by: Ilovemilkycouple

Title: 4/5
The title really attracts the readers attention, it shows straight away that you are conflicting about who to choose.

Poster: 7/10
The posters pretty~ Just the spelling of written is wrong. Also the colours don't really match, but it still looks amazing :)

Description and Foreword: 10/10
Your Description and Foreword is by far the best one I've seen, no one else I've reviewed has received 10/10 for this. You included the characters personalities etc, and you also made the description interesting which grabs the readers attention! Good Job!

Writing Style: 9/10
You used a lot of description, when I read it, I imagined it in my head and you told like everything that I needed to know, It was easy to imagine.

Plot: 17/20
Alot of writers, write about choosing between people, but this time in your fanfic, Youngmin and Kwangmin are twins so you get them mixed up. Good job~ It was really descriptive :)

Flow: 8/10
Your fanfic has a very nice flow to it, you are very organized, I mean you even put the chapter links in the foreword, even I don't do that.

Grammar and Spelling: 11/15
There were quite a few spelling errors,  you got a bit confused with the tense, but overall it's good.

Error: "But honey ---" You daddy looked at you and held your arms as you two head to the kitchen. "Don't you have a boyfriend already?"
Correction: "But honey ---" your daddy looked at you and held your arms as you two headed to the kitchen. "Don't you have a boyfriend already?"
Why: Because spelling error, and tense is wrong.

Error: It has been your favorite romantic book and have read it a hundred times before. The other books that your father delivers for you are too boring so you just keep them in your drawer without touching them, now they are covered with dust.
Correction: It has been your favourite romantic book and you've read it a hundred times before. The other books that your father delivers for you are too boring so you just keep them in your drawer without touching them and now they are covered with dust.
Why: Spelling error, misuse of words.
(There's more but here's 2 examples)

Originality: 9/10
I could tell it was completely made up by you, as I said before, I've never seen another fanfic that gets twins mixed up!~ <3

Ending: -/5
There was no ending so no mark for it and it won't affect your score.

Overall Enjoyment: 4/5
I liked it ;) Especially because it's BOYFRIEND! <3 WOOOO ^^ But sad, when I first found out there was no more Boyfriend :( (At the start) LOL

Thanks for requesting from me ;) I enjoyed doing your review, oh and please put this in your fanfic~

Total: 84/100

Reviewed by ilovemilkycouple

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Thank you for requesting for us. Because of you patiently waiting, here's for you:

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