16 Nov 2011

[review] I'm still inlove with you no matter what- aigookeyandtaemin ♥

Title: I'm in love with you no matter what
Author: Aigookeyandtaemin
Story link: click
review by: aingeal1004

Title: 3/5
  • It was quite long, and there was a typographical error. (‘in love’)
  • On another note, the good part about it is that it gave a hint to the readers about the plot.

Poster/Background/Design: 4/5
  • The poster was quite excessively designed. The smaller words aren’t really clear.
  • You fulfilled the basic requirements as the main characters were shown.
  • The quality of the pictures in the poster were relatively standardized.
  • It was animated(:

Description/Foreword: 10/10
  • Excellent work on your description and foreword ^^
  • It was detailed, and pictures were provided for the main characters.

Characters: 10/15
  • You managed to give the readers a basic knowledge of the characters (their likes and dislikes, etc.)
  • However, their personalities were not really shown (more elaboration needed).
  • Emotions of main characters were shown.
  • Reduce the number of characters or it’ll be troublesome to characterize them. It was your first time writing so I didn’t grade you for your characterization in detail.
  • Feelings main characters have for others around them were expressed. Good job on that(:

Plot: 20/30
  • It’s good that basic planning can be seen from your story. Planning is important as you’ll know where you want your story to head.
  • Frankly speaking, it was too long. If it’s your first time writing, keep it short. A plot that’s too long might make the story too melodramatic and/or “draggy”.
  • You would do much better if you got to the climax of the story faster.
  • You were able to show Taemin’s affection for the girl (the conversation Taemin had on the phone and Minho’s remarks when he overheard).
  • I did see effort for making the plot interesting so I added marks(:

Flow/Pace: 3/5
  • Your transitions (into flashbacks, etc.) were quite smooth. Keep it up ^^
  • The pace was quite slow.
  • The flow was relatively smooth as you were able to push the story along.

Writing Style: 4/10
  • Your descriptions, background information, etc in the story was very, very detailed.
  • The points of view need some working on.
  • Please align to the left (and standardize it) so I can see where the paragraphing is.
  • Avoid emoticons. You’re supposed to show the readers how the characters feel not tell them.
  • Descriptions are too vague.

Originality/Creativity: 4/5
  • Marks were awarded more for originality than for creativity.
  • Story wasn’t copied/adapted from other sources.

Punctuation/Spelling/Tenses/Grammar/Vocabulary: 9/15
  • I didn’t spot any punctuation errors.
  • Spelling and typographical errors were few.
  • Suggestion: Expand your vocabulary and double-check your tenses.
  • Overall, there was not much of a problem other than the above-mentioned vocabulary and tenses(:
  • I only picked a few errors to correct from each of the first thirteen chapters (out of the current thirty-four). 
Chapter 1
Wrong: I’mstill trying to familiarize myself to the new environment.
Correct: I was still trying to familiarize myself with the new environment.
Why:  (1) Tense. (2) Incorrect word. It should be ‘with’ not ‘to’. 

Wrong: (1) I finally woke up. After five rings of the alarm clock, I finally woke up. (2) But we can speak English very fluent English because of Forever Moving
Correct: (1) The incessant ringing from the alarm clock finally woke me up. (2) However, we speak fluent English as we moved house frequently due to our father’s job. 
Why: (1) Try to avoid repeating so frequently. It only drags the story. (2) Don’t write “Forever Moving”. Firstly, the capitalization is incorrect. Secondly, you can’t express it like that. 

Chapter 2
Wrong: Me and Trishare starting to become closer and closer
Correct: Trish and I grew closer as time passed. 
Why: (1) ‘Trish and I’ not ‘Me and Trish’. Improper English. (2) Tense. 

Chapter 3
Wrong: Secretive Parents of Mine never fails to make us surprised all the time
Correct: My sneaky parents never failed to surprise us every time.
Why: (1) Incorrect capitalization. (2) Tense. (3) It can’t possibly happen all the time. 

Chapter 4
Wrong: Well, I’m really hungry and this Bacon and Eggs looks and smells so good. I have to take a taste. NOM NOM NOM…. BURRRP! Excuse Me. ^_^ 
Correct: The smell of bacon and eggs had my mouth watering. Famished, I wolfed them down, burping contentedly when I finished. 
Why: (1) You are not talking. It shouldn’t be phrased like that. (2) Show, don’t tell. Describe how you’re ‘really hungry’. Don’t just say it. (3) Emoticons are highly discouraged. Story-writing consists of descriptions, not emoticons. 

Chapter 5
Wrong: They all putted their own scarves, cap, gloves and shades. They waved goodbye, I nodded and they walked out the door.
Correct: After wearing their scarves, caps, gloves and shades, they walked out, waving goodbye. I acknowledged them with a smile and a slight nod and continued practising my dance steps. 
Why: Past tense of ‘put’ is ‘put’. ‘Putted’ means ‘to try to hit a golf ball into a hole by striking it gently so that it rolls across the green’. (3) The way you phrased/expressed the sentence was odd. Taemin isn’t dismissing his servants. You didn’t express how Taemin nodded and readers might misinterpret it into what I had mentioned earlier. 

Chapter 10
Wrong: Everyone in class just introduced their self
Correct: Everyone briefly introduced themselves. 
Why: No such thing as ‘their self’. 

Bonus: 2 marks
  • For the pictures provided throughout the story ^^
  • Effort for writing a long story despite it being your first.

Marks Achieved: 69/100
Grade: C
Side note: Keep up the excellent work on your forewords and description section! ^^ Now what you need to do is to work on your writing style. Keep it less conversational. Narrate the story. Vocabulary and tenses can be worked on slowly. They require a lot of reading, and much, much more practise. You requested for leniency, so I tried my best to be lenient. Don’t be disheartened by the grade. Keep writing; you’ll improve with time(: 

Owner's note: Hope you like your review! About the grammar/spellings correction, i only write 6 out of 13 examples. If you want the rest of the corrections, just PM me. Here's a gift for you:

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