19 Jan 2012

Real identity for Not_me ♥

Title: Real identity
Characters: Key & minho's shinee and Soochan  (o/c)
Written by: Sherioka

Key opens the door into the boy’s washroom slowly, he’s sick of the loud music, all the screams and shouts and piercing lights, he wants to rest for a bit. As much as he loves dancing and singing, there’s always a too much for everything.

When he walks inside, he hears a voice. A voice so familiar and yet so feminine; Key peers out of a stall that separates the mirror where the sound is coming from and from his spot behind the stall that is close to the door. “Sky?” He muttered. He can’t believe his eyes. The Sky, his backup dancer with breasts!

What Key doesn’t know is that Sky wasn’t her real name. Her real name is actually Soochan. Soochan wanted to become a backup dancer for the all-so-mighty and popular SHINee, but they don’t allow girls as backup dancer. Probably scared of what the girl fans signing up and stressing out their star pupil Soochan thought. The first thing that came up in her mind at that time was to disguise herself and sign up, knowing perfectly well that if she tried her best, she would be accepted. Of course, Soochan is a great dancer. 

Once she entered the agency, she abandoned her real name and started going for the name Sky. To make her plan more real, she even asked her parents to start calling her Sky and referring her as their ‘son’.

While Sky is using a cloth and rolling it tightly around her breasts, she doesn’t notice Key standing there gapping at her. Key quickly ran out of the washroom, closing the door behind him tightly. All the shock and fear are being replaced by a slight hint of anger and some evil thoughts. “Oh, she’s dead meat.” He says.


The next few days, Key couldn’t take his eyes off Sky. He wants to find some advantages for him and some difficulties for her so he can overthrow her act. Sky didn’t find anything wrong, but she can just feel someone staring at her from afar. She didn’t like the feeling at all.

“Minho, I keep on having this tingly feeling that someone’s observing me.” Sky says to Minho, her best friend one day, sitting down in the agency café.

“Don’t worry too much Sky, you think too much for a boy.” Minho laughs and shakes his head in disapproval. “How about another game of basketball this time? It’s about time we exercise again.”

“A good game may take my mind off things. Sure.” Sky agrees. Minho held out a hand to pull her up from the seat and he put an arm around her shoulder while she did the same. Sky was relieved that she was slightly tall and that she loves sports.

Key watches them walk into the big indoors basketball court with their arm around each other. “Does Minho know that she’s a girl? Minho you pabo!” Key mutters. He decides to do further observations as he follows them into the gym. Once Minho notices Key, he immediately asks him to join.

“Key, come join us!” Minho wave and shout. Key shook his head, but Minho came running to him and pulling him to join them.

“There are only a few rules in our way of basketball. Do not hurt each other and do not cheat.” Sky told Key.

“Alright.” Key mumbles as he gave her a death glare. He thought, if he could hurt her in this game, Minho will want to take her to the doctors and once they get her to the doctor, her identity will be revealed. Then there will be no game for her anymore.

It was tough for Key to try and win Minho, not to mention Sky! Minho was even praising him—wait it should be ‘her’ instead. “I have to get use to calling her a girl. Just to let her know that I know.” Key mumbles under his breath already tired from the game.

“What’s wrong Key? Had enough?” Sky teased, triggering him with anger. Sky was about to send a ball through the loop when Key suddenly jumped up from across her and slapped her hand, causing the ball to bounce away and Sky falling to the ground.

“Yah! Key!” Minho came rushing over to support his best friend in his arms. Glaring at Key suspiciously. “That’s a little too much.”

“I’m sorry…I just…I was focused on winning and didn’t think that…” Key fumbled out, apology spread across his face, but there’s more instead of his mind.

“That’s alright.” Sky slowly pushed away Minho’s supportive arms. She knows that she can’t act weak; she can’t act girly just because of a slight foul in basketball. Plus, she doesn’t want her identity to reveal, but the way Key’s acting, it seems like he knows something about her.

“No, that’s not alright. Let’s go to the nurse, Sky. Something big might be behind that small slap that doesn’t hurt you now. It might ruin your career, too. You love dancing.” Minho put an arm around Sky’s shoulder and leads her to the gym door.

Jealousy. Key couldn’t believe that he’s feeling jealous of the way Minho’s treating a liar! It made him want to blackmail her more, curse her, hurt her and make sure she knows it. He decided to tell her that he knows.


Sky threw a crumpled piece of paper into the garbage can with one shot.

“Score!” Key chanted as he walked into the dressing room where she is. He took a seat beside her and stared at her.

“What?” Sky laughed.

“Nothing. Don’t you look a bit famine for a boy?” Key pursed his lips as he touched her temple, her nose and lastly, her lips. “Your face is so tender. What kind of lotion do you use?”

“Nothing.” Sky mimicked.

“I bet that’s true. You don’t need to, your face is beautiful. You’re a girl aren’t you?” Key flicked his fingers on her forehead. Sky was right all along; Key did know something, something big in fact. “Don’t deny it girly.” Key chuckled.

“If you don’t say anything, I won’t say you hurting my wrist with that slap. To my surprise, it caused my right hand to bruise and it’s numb. I can’t dance and I’ve been lying to the producer saying that I hit the basketball.” She replied.

“Yeah.” Key grinned a little, “Now smile like I just said something funny.” He ordered under his breath before other back up dancers came in. On Key’s cue, the two of them burst out laughing.

As expected, no one suspects a single thing.


Days, weeks, months past…Sky stayed clear of Key’s way even though nothing wrong could possibly happen. She always stayed with Minho and sometimes other backup dancers. She made little contact with people out of her group of friends.

Without her knowing, Key felt jealousy triggering inside his gut, his mind and his heart. This time, it craved for her attention. He was simply in love.

“Sky, have you possibly forgotten about my existence?” Key whispered beside her ear one day after both their work finished for that day.

“No.” She replied bluntly. “In fact, I see you every day; I can feel your presence and the way you look at me from miles away. It’s obvious. You want something from me that’s why you’re keeping my identity a secret.”

“You’re right. I do.” Key smirked without a second thought. “I like you.”

“That’ll be gay.” Sky shrugged. “But more over, that’ll be unfair.”

“Who knows?” He planted a light kiss on her forehead before heading off the opposite direction. “Bye, Sky!”

Sky grips her fingers tightly. Even though she has feelings for Key ever since she met her, she was so delighted to play basketball with him at that time, but now everything seems to be a big fat lie. Everything’s fake between them. There’s no truth at all. He can’t be trusted, he definitely won’t trust her.


The next morning, she handed an envelope to the manager. “I’m quitting this job.” She says loudly.

“What!?” Key spat at her.

“Reason, Sky.” The manager told her softly.

“Actually, I’m a girl. I just can’t hide the guilt in me anymore, not ever since I fell in love with…” Sky paused. Key was anticipating for his name, I mean, it was him that made her in despair! He should be the one she loves! He should be the one he’s giving up this job for! To Key, this world had turn upside down. He was once using the feeling of hatred towards her, but now, it’s being replaced by something new called love. “Minho.” She spoke quietly.

Minho stood up and gave her a tight hug, not saying anything.

“Well, Sky. It says that your real name is Yoon Soochan in these documents. I agree, the faster you leave the better or else some weird gossip or rumor would start, but as your manager and as someone who knew you since you entered here, I allow you to stay.”

“But…” Sky mumbled.

“I know you want to be with…Minho.” The manager spoke intently at her, while sneaking glances at Key. At this moment, Sky knows that the manager knows of the relationship she has with Key.

“Alright.” Sky smiled lightly.


And a few more days, weeks, months had past. Sky still didn’t progress anything with Kei. She felt that he’s being unfair with everything, she feels that he lacks of security. Because of that, she’s been spending every day of her life with her best friend, Minho. He agreed to be her boyfriend. Ever since that day, he’s been over protective of her with other guys. Making Key jealous. He has deeply fallen in love with her.

“I give up, Sky.” Key said to everyone during dance practice. “I love you.”

Sky looked up at Minho who walked towards her. “I knew it. It’s just a matter fact of time that’ll you confess.” He laughed.

“Thanks for playing with me Minho. You had this hard. We all know you’re not looking for any other relationships other than friends.” Sky gave Minho a tight squeeze and hopped over to Key. “I hate you, but I love you.” She says to him.

She pushes Key away, but manages a smile. 

Owner's note: Hello! Hope you like your oneshot! 

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