6 Jan 2012

Listen to my pounding heart for janluvucube ♥

Title: Listen to my pounding heart
Characters: Hyoyoung 5dolls & Noori Co-ed school
Written by: Hyokey29

Hyoyoung walked in their school hallway wearing short striped skirt with black leggings, top with a skull figure stacked on it and a couple of necklaces, bracelets and earrings around his head, and lastly, high heeled boots.

She walked in with an ear bud placed in both sides of her ears trying to ignore someone else's gazes.

There was no need for her to stop and waited for someone, since, she doesn't have any friends herself. Like she said, "It's better to be alone than a bunch of people gathering around you, talking nonsense." She stated. It's true, anyway. Well, for her.

On the other side, there he is, Noori. His new and he was trying to find his class but unlucky him, he didn't know anyone in here, yet.

He was 'bout to enter the administrator's room to ask for help when he saw a bunch of people stepping aside letting someone gave her way. He looked around and saw a girl with her clothing all in black.

Then, the girl dropped something. She sat down for a bit to pick it up. In addition, that was the way where Noori saw her face.

She was pretty than any other girls; she got this charisma inside her. 'I like her' Noori thought without giving second thought about it. He admitted it, he like her.

When he first saw her face, his heart started beating fast like a drum beat.

Since, he was new. He wanted that girl to be his first friend. Without hesitation, he followed the girl without her knowing.

He followed from behind then every time the girl turned around, he would hide himself.

Until, an idea popped in his brain. 'That's a great idea.' Noori thought.

He pulled out every book from his bag and put it on his hands. It's heavy, for sure. He lifted slowly and pretended not to see who was not in front of him.

Until, he -NOT- accidentally bumped into the girl he was crushing on. The books fell, same to the girl too.

He quickly sat down and helped the girl up, "Miss, are you okay?" He asked, looking at the girl tapping her head.

The girl stared at him for a minute before nodding. She sat up straight and started helping Noori with the books that fell.

"I'm sorry." Noori apologized, looking at her pretty face. It was hard to look away from the face, she’s beautiful.

After picking up the books that fell, they both stood up and looked awkwardly at each other. Noori cleared his throat, “I’m Noori, by the way.” he introduced himself.

“Hyoyoung.” she replied with her name.

Noori was about to ask another question when the school bell rang. Hyoyoung silently walked her way to her class; leaving a frowned Noori alone.

Noori turned around. “Hey! What’s your class, Hyoyoung-sshi?” Noori shouted at Hyoyoung from a far.

She looked at over her shoulder, "Dance Class." She answered before continuing her walking session towards her class.

'Why does he always have questions?' Hyoyoung thought. She walked confusedly. 'Does he always have to care?' she thought again.

"Can we go together?" Noori beamed. Hyoyoung jumped a bit. Surprise reality hit her like that.

She glared at the red-head. She doesn't want to waste any breath to talk, so, she just nodded to whatever he was asking.

They walked together or more like running, since, they were already late for the class.

The whole time the class was running, Noori had always by her side, he was not leaving her side and has good stories to tell. Hyoyoung who was half listening, she just returns nodded and shooked for respond to him. She doesn't want to humiliate the noisy boy beside her. However, it felt good at the same time for her because it was the first time in her SCHOOL LIFE to have a person to hang out with her, she thought no one likes her because of being so emo.

So, she tried being friendly to Noori as possible. "It's funny our teacher had a big tummy, teaching as dance with that." Noori chuckled, but when he turned around, he saw a laughing Hyoyoung. It felt good for him because he finally heard her laughed, with all three days with her, he hadn't heard that. He was very proud to what he had done.

'Good job, Noori.' Noori thought, smiling at the adorable Hyoyoung in front of him.

The class ended, and everyone was running out to get lunch. Noori stood up and waited for Hyoyoung to get up too. he was 'bout to ask if they could go lunch together when Hyoyoung cleared her throat.

"You want to go lunch with me?" Hyoyoung asked without hesitation. It was easy for her, since, she’s an emo and she got guts to anything. She dusted off her butt from the dirt on the floor they were sitting on, moments ago.

"I loved too." Noori beamed, wide smile formed on his lips. Hyoyoung returned the smile, not forcefully, but truthfully. She just felt that this guy is the only person in this whole wide world that made her laugh and smile like this. She was very happy to have Noori with her, finally. She found a true friend to hang with.

"You finally smiled at me." Noori clapped his hands like a little kid; he pinched Hyoyoung's cheeks earning a giggle from her.

"Kaja." Noori said, they both leave the room and headed to their locker, which was just two lockers away from each other’s'.

They pulled out their lunch boxes and headed outside the school. Noori to have a picnic instead, he brought blankets, of course.

They sat on the blanket and place their lunch boxes on the blanket too. Then, they started eating their food.

Hyoyoung felt really awesome that having lunch with her only friend, true friend. She can't describe what she was feeling right now; she loved looking at Noori for some time. It was like he's miracle for her to have a friend because people think it was not really easy being a friend with her because she just stayed quiet every time there was someone tried talking to her.

She doesn't really care about the world around her before she met Noori.

"What are you eating, Youngie?" Noori asked and giggled for the nickname he just gave her. Noori was really happy for the work he had done. I thought this was going to be hard for him because many people thought that Hyoyoung is really different than other girls; not physically but inside her was different.

Many think that she wasn’t easy to be a friend too because she doesn’t talk much. However, Noori doubted that. See what he just did, he already made her laugh out loud, smile widely, and she even became talkative.

"I don't know what they call this, but it's delicious." Hyoyoung said, hiding her blushing because of the nickname he just gave her. However, she loved the nickname, its sounds cute.

'Cute? Eh?' Hyoyoung thought.

Well, after meeting Noori that day they met. Noori began changing Hyoyoung's fashion sense; he changed her from foot to head. She doesn't wear black all the time anymore; she wore really something stylish for a girl like her but not too many girly outfits like other sluts out there.

Nevertheless, Hyoyoung didn't stop Noori for doing that.

It was already two months of their friendship, and it was still running strong.

Hyoyoung thinks it was already time to tell him what she truly feels for him. She started developing feelings towards Noori, there was no other guy can make her smile; laugh and blushes like that. She was sure that this guy is truly for her. A PERFECT BLESSING FROM UP ABOVE.

Today, they were going to the park for a picnic. They always love picnic, since, they both love eating.

Noori pulled out the sandwiches he made for the both of them; he gave the other one to Hyoyoung.

"I have something to tell you, Noori-ah." Hyoyoung said, calmly. She placed the sandwich on the blanket.

"What is it?" Noori said between his chewing. He can feel his heart thumping very fast, 'I hope it's not about our friendship being destroyed' He thought.

Hyoyoung released first a heavy breathe before starting to talk, "Uhm, what if your best friend fell in love with you?" Hyoyoung asked, making sure that she will get a perfect answer for the question.

She doesn't want to destroy her feelings for Noori, but she doesn't want to just left these feelings on the corner and let it destroyed by itself. She wanted to know Noori's answer first before moving into the next level.

"That's okay, but I think friendship is more important than having a girlfriend." Noori asked, calmly. He doesn't know why Hyoyoung was asking that kind of question that made him very nervous. 'What if he rejects me because she doesn't want to destroy our friendship' Noori thought. He loves Hyoyoung. He really loves her. Ever since, he saw her on the first day of the schooling.

"Why you asked, Youngie?" Noori asked, giving a cute voice for her nickname. Hyoyoung fake a cough and looked at him.

"I wanted to tell you something really important, but I hope you won't hate me." Hyoyoung said, frowning a bit because of the nervous she was feeling. She wiped the sweat on her forehead using the back of her hand before proceeding.

"I will never hate you, Youngie. Remember that!" Noori said, giving her a warm smile.

"So, what is it?" Noori asked. He put down his sandwich and focused to whatever Hyoyoung was going to say. It wasn’t easy for Noori to see Hyoyoung this pressured. He wanted to know the thing is important she was saying.

"I love you, Noori. You're the one who made me look like this. You're the only person who changed a lot in me. You make me laugh and smile like no other. I'm very happy that someone had brought you to me. You're like a miracle to my life." Hyoyoung said, because of nervous all the words just came so fast. She closed her eyes and bit his lip, afraid for the respond.

Noori chuckled made Hyoyoung confused.

Noori used his fingers to push up Hyoyoung chin, "I love you too, Hyoyoung. Ever since, the first day we met. And I keep disturbing you with my lousy stories or useless stories. When the first time you smiled and laughed in front of me, I felt like I done a very good job myself, it's a goal for me to see you smile and laugh every time. I just wanted to hide this feeling I’m having for you because I think it will destroy our friendship. However, I think I should let it out too, since, you already confessed." Noori grinned, pulling his hands away from Hyoyoung’s chin.

He pulled her for a hug, feeling the warm body against his. He wanted this moment to last forever.

After that day, the two became official couple. Hyoyoung learned more to make new friends.

Owner's note: Hello hope you like your oneshot! ^^

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